A dental abscess can emerge quite unexpectedly. Therefore, you need to contact us immediately if you feel you have an abscess. Don’t delay treatment, as an abscess can progress and lead to a life-threatening illness.
Do You Have an Abscess?
Not everyone will acknowledge their tooth has abscessed. However, if you want to prevent serious oral health complications, it is important to do so. An abscess is a pocket of puss that usually results in a bacterial infection, typically localized. Therefore, swelling and inflammation normally accompany the abscess. When a dental abscess appears, it affects the surrounding teeth and jaw. To understand how an abscess forms, you have to know a little bit about the anatomy of a tooth. Each tooth comprises several layers. Enamel makes up the outer layer, which covers dentin, a softer layer. The pulp, with nerves and blood vessels, lies under the dentin. An infection in the pulp can easily travel to the jaw and bone. Some abscesses begin in the pulp while other abscesses form at the gum.
What are the Names for the 2 Types of Abscesses?
Dental abscesses either are called periapical abscesses, which affect the pulp and form at a root’s tip, or periodontal abscesses, which develop at the gum. Both types of abscesses result from inadequate dental care and must be drained. Either a root canal is performed, or the tooth is removed. We usually perform a root canal, removing the pulp and infection, and follow by sealing the affected tooth.
If you believe you have an abscess or any type of dental swelling, inflammation, or tenderness, you need to contact us immediately. The sooner you resolve the problem, the better for you and your overall health. A dental abscess should always be considered a dental emergency. If you have any questions about this type of dental issue, never hesitate to ask. We can be contacted 24/7. Get your questions answered and schedule an appointment for any dental concerns.