Gum color, like skin color, varies from one individual to another. Healthy gums may be pink, dark brown, or black. Therefore, you have no reason to worry about your black gums. Our specialists state that the melanin component responsible for the dark pigment in your skin is also present in your gum tissue. Therefore, if you are of African or Asian descent, you are likely to have darker gums.
Other causes
Aside from the natural cause of dark gums, our practice offers several more causes of dark gums that may be cause for alarm. One of these causes is underlying endocrine diseases such as Addison’s disease, which leads to the formation of dark patches on the gums.
Your black gums may also result from side effects of medications you may be taking. Some antibiotics, antimalarial and antipsychotic drugs may result in black gums. In addition, cancer treatments may also change the pigment of your gums. Please visit our offices when you observe that new medication is making your gums darker.
Another probable cause of black gums is smoking tobacco. The nicotine in tobacco stimulates the melanin cells in your gums to produce more melanin, making your gums darker. Your gums will revert to their original pigmentation when you quit smoking.
Black gums may also signify oral cancer known as malignant melanoma. A black spot in the gums usually characterizes this type of cancer. In such a scenario, our dentists will conduct a physical examination of your gums followed by a tissue biopsy to diagnose.
Are Black Gums a Sign of a Health Problem?
In some cases, black gums are completely natural due to genetic pigmentation. However, if your gums have recently darkened or are accompanied by pain, swelling, or bleeding, it could indicate an underlying issue like gum disease or an infection.
Can Smoking Cause Black Gums?
Yes, smoking is a common cause of black gums. The nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco can lead to hyperpigmentation, causing the gums to darken over time. Quitting smoking can help prevent further discoloration and improve oral health.
When Should I See a Dentist About Black Gums?
If you notice a sudden change in gum color, along with symptoms like pain, swelling, or bleeding, it’s essential to see a dentist as soon as possible. Even if your gums have always been dark, regular dental checkups can help ensure your oral health remains in good condition.
Cosmetic treatment
In most cases, black gums are natural and pose no dental problem. However, if you still have concerns about the color of your gums, pay us a visit for cosmetic treatments that include cryosurgery and gingival grafting. Contact us today and book an appointment with our experienced cosmetic dentists.