Treatment of teeth sensitivity in dentistry

Dentine hypersensitivity, another name for teeth sensitivity, is an oral condition that occurs when the tubules of the cementum or enamel, which are microscopic, allow cold and hot, sticky, and acidic substances to reach or travel to the cells and nerve tissue inside the dentine part of the tooth. This happens when the dentine part…

TMJ pain management therapies in general dentistry

A general dentist can help you relieve your TMJ jaw disease, depending on the cause of the pain. So, diagnosis is often key in determining the type of treatment to be offered. Severe cases of TMJ pain must be referred to a specialist, or if a dentist’s treatment options are not fruitful. Also, TMJ disease…

Pain-Free Dentistry: How Does It Help

It is no secret that going to the dentist can be a painful experience. Many people put off dental appointments because they are afraid of the pain. However, what if there was a way to get dental work done without pain? Thanks to advances in pain-free dentistry, this is now a reality! What Is Pain-Free…

Invisalign vs. Invisalign Go

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Invisalign has become a popular choice for orthodontic treatment, and there are now two versions to choose from: Invisalign and Invisalign Go. So, which one is right for you? Here are the differences between the two given options. What Is Invisalign? Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are used to straighten teeth. Invisalign aligners are almost…

Process for Smile Design

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

In addition to improving your appearance, cosmetic dentistry can also improve your health. Your self-esteem and self-confidence soar when you’re wearing a smile you adore. Because the first thing people notice about you is your smile, we understand your desire to have a smile you can be proud of when you meet new people. You…

Tips to Fight Dental Anxiety

If you suffer from dental anxiety, you are not alone. It is a common problem, affecting between 9% and 20% of Americans according to the American Dental Association. The good news is that there are ways to cope with this anxiety and get the dental care you need. Here are some tips to help you…

Do You Brush Invisalign the Same Way You Brush Teeth?

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

For the most part, Invisalign allows you to follow a regular dental care routine, much the same way you take care of your teeth regularly. That is because Invisalign aligners can be removed for brushing. Therefore, you do not need floss threaders to navigate through orthodontic wires or have to brush your teeth the same…

Cigarettes: Your Teeth

Some habits are only harmful to your health. Smoking is one habit that has no benefit to your body and contributes to faster deterioration of your overall wellbeing. The habit is addictive and increases your chances of developing several types of cancers such as mouth and lung cancer. The impact on the lungs is one…

Why Do Some of Us Get More Plaque Than Others?

The sad reality is that everyone gets a dental plaque. Plaque usually presents as a thick film on our teeth, especially after consuming sugary foods, which allow bacteria to mix with the sugar. Maintaining a strict dental hygiene routine is vital to help get rid of plaque before it hardens into tartar. Plaque can cause…

Here Are Ways to Maintain Healthy Gums

It’s a good idea to see your dentist at least once a year. They can spot early signs of health problems, like cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal gum disease. Your gums need to be healthy so that you maintain that healthy smile. Make sure that your gums are taken care of and that they are healthy…