What are the Common Procedures Done by a General Dentistry?

People assume that because there is an insertion of the word “general” before the term dentistry, some procedures can’t be done in that specific office of dentistry. However, dentists, in general dentistry are equipped with the relevant skills and qualifications to perform different operations. The term “general” is used because they are the primary caregivers.…

What causes black gums?

Gum color, like skin color, varies from one individual to another. Healthy gums may be pink, dark brown, or black. Therefore, you have no reason to worry about your black gums. Our specialists state that the melanin component responsible for the dark pigment in your skin is also present in your gum tissue. Therefore, if…

Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked teeth occur due to various reasons such as age, trauma, bruxism, and other factors. Pain and sensitivity or swelling are the common noticeable symptoms of cracked teeth. The article discusses cracked teeth and their causes. Fractured Teeth Cracked tooth syndrome or fractured tooth occurs when a crack appears on the tooth. These cracks usually…